The Catechism Program of the parish enrolls an average of 2000 students annually with a team of nearly 180 dedicated catechists looking after the faith formation of the children.
Students join Grade 1 on completion of six years of age and continue their eight-year faith formation that culminates with the sacrament of confirmation in Grade 8. After Grade 8, children join the Lifeteen program until Grade 12.
Regular attendance for all grades is mandatory to receive the sacraments, especially First Holy Communion (Grade 4) and Confirmation (Grade 8).
Please note that there are no "accelerated" 1-year preparation courses for the sacraments. Children who have not been attending Catechism regularly will have to finish the full period of preparation (including missed sessions) and may receive the sacrament at a later time than those in their grade who have been regularly attending.
Students already in the Catechism programme will automatically proceed to the next grade.
Each year generally starts in September/October and ends in April/May.
Each of these 8 years has a separate curriculum as described below.
Grades 1-6 use Sadliers - We believe' series approved by the Apostolic Vicariate of Arabia and the Office of Christian Formation for Parish Catechism.
Grade 7 and 8 use the 'Called to be faithful - A Confirmation journey' specially developed as a confirmation program for use in the Vicariate.
Grades 9 -12 follow 'Life Teen' Programme.
For First Holy Communion, Children prepare themselves for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Grade 3 and receive their First Holy Communion in Grade 4.
For Confirmation, preparations for Confirmation begin in Grade 7 and students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation usually during Pentecost which coincides with the end of Grade 8.
Post confirmation students join the Youth Program that leads to initiation into Young Adults.
In addition to regular lessons, the catechism year features a number of activities oriented towards social responsibility, charity and spiritual growth.